Life and Battles of Dan Donnelly By Rob Snell


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Dan Donnelly was a carpenter by trade, and was born in Townsend street, Dublin, in 1786, stood 6ft. ½ in. in height, and- his fighting weight was 1961bs. At an early age young Dan gave promise of future greatness as a pugilist, getting away with all who had the hardihood to confront

his strong arm and combative disposition. To use Pierce Egan's expression: “he floored all the milling coves in Ireland." In the use of the blackthorn, Dan was par excellence, and legend hands down no story of his ever being worsted in a shillelah fight, where wrestling, of which art he

was the greatest exponent of his day, plays such a conspicuous part ; in fact, Dan was all fight, and being very partial to a " drop o' potheen' his combativeness showed itself all the more when the " craythur “ got into his upper story.


His first appearance in the prize-ring was with Tom Hall, an English boxer from the Isle of Wight, who was then on a sparring tour in Ireland. They fought for a 100- guinea purse in a twenty-foot ring ; it took place on the Curragh of Kildare (famous for its race-meetings) Sept. 14, 1814, Donnelly then being in his 28th year. Not less than 40,000 spectators are said to have been present.

Previous to the battle the combatants met on the ground and drank with each other. Donnelly first entered the ring, and was greeted with thunders of applause. Hall was also well received. Hall was overmatched in point of weight, and compelled to act upon the defense. It was far from a stand-up fight. Donnelly received no injuries except one trifling cut on the lip, which drew first blood. He slipped down once. His superiority of strength was evident, and he did not appear the least' exhausted. Donnelly generally hit first. Hall did not acknowledge defeat, and retired from the ring by order of the umpires after the fifteenth round, exclaiming "Foul!'†in consequence of being hit three times when he was down. No betting occurred during the fight, but previous to which it was 60 to 40 on Hall, and on the ground 25 to 20.

Bonfires were made in several of the streets in Dublin by the warm-hearted countrymen of Donnelly, to celebrate his victory. The latter was under the training of Captain Kelly. He was also seconded by this gentleman and Captain Barclay, brother to the celebrated pedestrian. Hall was attended by Ned Painter and Jack Carter. During the fight Donnelly kept his temper, closed every round, and attempted to put in some heavy blows, which, had they reached their destination, must have proved effective in the extreme. Hall was well known as a game man, and as a scientific fighter he appeared far more conspicuous than Donnelly. It was, however, urged by the partisans of the Irish champion that Hall fell down without a blow, which was not noticed ; and Donnelly, in his eagerness to catch him before he again attempted this conduct, hit Hall once in particular so desperately on the ear while he was sitting on the ground that the claret flowed in torrents from it. The most independent and candid opinion upon the subject, from the best judges of pugilism who witnessed the battle, appears to be that both of the combatants lost it.


DECEMBER 13, 1815.


George Cooper, who was also teaching the art of self-defense in Ireland, whose fame as a boxer was well known, was selected as an equal competitor for Donnelly, and they fought for a purse of £60, On Dec. 13, 1815, they met in the ring on the Curragh of Kildare. Donnelly, then in his

29th year, was seconded by Cody, and Cooper by Ned Painter. Both men were in good condition-


Round 1. The fight boys of the sod were all upon the alert in favor of their countryman, and Donnelly must win and nothing else was the general cry. Every eye was on the scratch when the men set-to. Some little time occurred in sparring, when Donnelly planted a sharp blow on the neck of Cooper, and the latter returned in a neat manner on the body. Desperate milling then took place, when the round was finished by Donnelly, who in first rate style floored his antagonist. It would be impossible to describe the shout that accompanied this feat; it was not unlike a fire of artillery; and the faces of the Paddies smiled again with innate approbation.

2. Considerable science was displayed before a hit was made, when Donnelly put in a sharp facer. He also drew blood from one of Cooper's ears, and his strength prevailed to that extent as to drive Cooper to the ropes, where he went down.

3. Had it not been on the Curragh of Kildare, it was presumed that the fine fighting of Cooper would have told with better effect. He evidently labored under great fear from the prejudice of the numerous spectators being so much attached to his opponent ; but Donnelly exhibited great improvement, and he completely took the lead this round. After some tremendous hitting, Cooper went down. Another uproarious burst of applause.

4. This was altogether a good round. Cooper convinced Donnelly that he was a troublesome customer, and, in spite of his overwhelming strength, he could not protect himself from punishment. In closing both down, but Cooper undermost. Donnelly was now decidedly the favorite, and 6 to 4 was the general betting.

5. The gaiety of Donnelly was hastily stopped. After an exchange of a few blows, Cooper, with much adroitness, floored Donnelly in a scientific style ; but the latter instantly got upon his legs without any help. The odds changed, and even betting was the truth,

6. Cooper's mode of fighting extorted the admiration of the Irish amateurs from the ease and natural manner he contended with his big opponent. Donnelly was kept to his work, and he had some difficulty in getting Cooper off his legs.

7. In this round Donnelly was seen to much advantage, and he resolutely went in as if to beat his opponent off-hand. He drove Cooper to all parts of the ring till they closed, when the strength of Donnelly almost proved fatal to his opponent. Cooper received one of the most dreadful cross-buttocks ever witnessed ; and by way of rendering it even more terrific, Donnelly fell on Cooper with all his weight, driving the wind nearly out of his body.

8. From the severity of the last fall Cooper seemed much distressed in setting to. Donnelly, with some judgment, turned the weakness of his opponent to good account, and, after having the best of his adversary, Donnelly put in so tremendous a hit that Cooper was hit off his legs. The loud cheering from all parts of the ring beggared description, and in the pride of the moment a guinea to a tenpenny bit was offered on Donnelly.

9. Cooper commenced this round in the most gallant style, and the milling was truly desperate on both sides. In making a hit, Donnelly over-reached himself and slipped down.

10. The strength of Donnelly was too powerful for Cooper ; but, notwithstanding this vast disparagement, the latter fought him upon equal terms of confidence, Cooper was, however, again floored by Donnelly, High odds, but no takers,

11 and last. It was evident Cooper could not win; but, nevertheless, this round was fought with as much resolution and science to obtain the superiority as if the battle had just commenced; Donnelly, at length, put in two tremendous blows that put an end to the contest, particularly one on the mouth that knocked Cooper off his feet. On victory being declared in favor of Donnelly, the applause lasted for a minute. The battle continued for about twenty-two minutes. Donnelly appeared quite elated with victory, and shook hands with Cooper and also his friends.


Donnelly, in the above fight, portrayed great improvement both in science and temper; and, added to his over whelming strength, he was enabled to beat down the guard of Cooper with ease and effect. He was also in better condition than when he fought Hall. Cooper was much beneath

his antagonist, both in size and weight. Cooper was, in a manner, half beat before he entered the ring, arising, it is urged, from the prejudices which existed against him.

During the battle some intemperate person threw a stone into the ring, which struck Painter on the back, the second of Cooper. It is not meant to be urged that the latter could have won the battle—an impartial opinion has been given by his own countrymen directly to the contrary, asserting that Cooper, with all his superior boxing skill, does not possess strength enough to reduce the overwhelming power of Donnelly, This Irish champion was then considered a first-rate boxer; and from the repeated use of the gloves he derived great improvement. His benefits at the Olympic Theatre, in Dublin, were, in general, numerously attended; and, in the character of a publican, his house was well attended by Irish amateurs. The size, strength and science of Donnelly qualified him to fight any man in the world.



Pierce Egan thus sums up the merits of Cooper: "He was renowned as one of the most natural fighters belonging to the prize-ring. He uses both hands well, and his one, two, are put in with tremendous execution. He wards off the coming blow with great adroitness, returns with the

quickness of lightning, and gets away in very fine style. Cooper appears armed at all points towards victory, so far as execution is requisite to accomplish that great point, and his mode of setting-to is pleasing and perspicuous; a smiling confidence sits on his brow while engaged in battle, Upon the defensive or offensive he is considered to be equally prepared; and, in short, Cooper must be pronounced a most accomplished and consummate boxer. It is urged, however, that he does not train well, and his constitution does not keep equal pace with his other superior

milling capabilities."


In Feb., 1819, the pride of Hibernia, whose sporting house, near Leinster Market, had got rather leaky, and for other reasons not necessary to make public, ventured across the water and showed himself in England. While in Liverpool, seeing that their was money in Donnelly, Jack Carter picked him up, and induced him to go on sparring exhibitions. Being sufficiently well acquainted with the stage to know the advantages of a good bill.

Carter issued the following placard on the 19th of Feb. 1819, at Manchester: "Dan Donnelly, the champion of Ireland, and Jack Carter, the champion of England, will exhibit together in various combats, the art of self-defense, at the Emporium Rooms." This had the desired effect an overflowing audience was the result; and at Liverpool they met with greater and repeated encouragement. They soon afterwards took the road to London, where several wagers were made regarding the identity of Donnelly.

"When Dan showed himself at the Castle Tavern, Holborn considerable sums of money was lost on that event. In order to see what kind of a boxer Donnelly was, a large room was selected at the Peacock Tavern, in Gray's Inn lane, March 18, 1819, and in the presence of about one

hundred of the Upper Ten of the Fancy, Donnelly and Carter had a set-to of eight rounds. It was said to be a very nice thing to be able to tell who had the best of the contest in point of effect. Donnelly and Ben Burn sparred at the Minor Theatre March 24, same year. At Bob Gregson's benefit, at the same place, on the 1st of April following, Tom Cribb was announced to box with Dan Donnelly.

In place of Cribb, Carter faced Donnelly, but it was a disappointment to all present. Donnelly had that day met with an accident by falling off the Oxford coach. It was evident he could not stop with his right arm, which appeared much bruised and swelled; and upon his announcing this circumstance to Carter, the latter, in the most friendly style, observed, he must then stop with his head ." But, upon the departure of Donnelly, some slight hissing occurred. Sambo Sutton, the black (who fought Nick Ward, Harry Preston and Bungaree), challenged Donnelly to fight for £50 a side. This brought Bill Richmond, also black, to Donnelly's defense, by stating that " the Irish champion did not come over to England with any intentions of entering the prize-ring."

In consequence of some aspersions or doubts having been thrown upon the courage of Donnelly, he issued a challenge to fight any man in England of his weight for from £100 to £500 a side. At Jack Randall's benefit, Fives Court, April 6, Donnelly appeared on the stage to spar with Carter; but the people did not care to see Carter and him spar, keeping up a continual yelling for Tom Cribb, then champion of England. Donnelly got mad, and said he would not spar at all, and Carter left the stage in disgust.

As Cribb was not present, and Carter wouldn't return to the stage, Harry Harmer and Donnelly set-to, but it was of no interest to the disappointed spectators. At Jack Martin's benefit, same place, Tom Oliver challenged Donnelly for 100gs. a side, when Randall (Donnelly not being present) mounted the stage and said he was authorized to accept it on the part of the Irish champion, who would enter the list with Oliver upon that day six weeks for any sum that might be offered. Donnelly and Carter took a joint benefit at the Minor Theatre April 27, when Donnelly seems to have won the popular applause by his willingness to fight, and made a better display with Carter than he had ever done. On May 25th Tom Spring and Donnelly put on the gloves together at the Minor Theatre; it is described as having been a manly bout, no niceties being observed, and afforded general satisfaction.

A month before the battle took place, Donnelly and Oliver went into active training, and their match was the theme of conversation amongst all classes. The betting is said to have been 5 to 2 in Ireland on the champion, whilst in England 2 to 1 was bet on his winning by the warmhearted Patlanders. Upwards of £100,000 is said to have been wagered on the result of this battle. One bet of 600 guineas was wagered that Donnelly did not whip Oliver inside one hour.

Early on the morning of the fight the weather proved very unpropitious, heavy rain falling steadily, but the game of the Fancy was not to be disposed of by rain. The string of carriages of every description reached for near a mile in length, to be seen from the top of the hill above Godstone, looking interesting and pleasing; but some terrible murmurings occurred on the scene of action being removed from "Blindlow Common" to Crawley Hurst, without the beaks interfering, and merely owing, it is said, to the caprice of one or two persons for some trifling cause.

The lads were not prepared for this long journey of sixty-two miles out and in, and many of the horses were not able to perform it; and daylight peeped the next morning before several of the kids got to their roosting-places. In consequence of the removal of the place, it was two o'clock before the contest commenced. Oliver first threw up his hat in the ring, followed by Tom Cribb and Tom Shelton; and Donnelly, waited upon by Tom Belcher and Jack Randall, entered soon afterwards and repeated the token of defiance. Donnelly appeared to be about 14lbs. the heavier man. The contest lasted one hour and ten minutes; betting, 7 to 4; and the green color for Irelandwas tied over the blue for England to the stakes.

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